Oikonomou E, Page B, Lawton R, Murray J, Higham H, Vincent C. Validation of the Partners at Care Transitions Measure (PACT-M): assessing the quality and safety of care transitions for older people in the UK. BMC Health Services Research. 2020 2020/07/01;20(1):608.
Howarth SD, Johnson J, Millott HE, O’Hara JK. The early experiences of Physician Associate students in the UK: A regional cross-sectional study investigating factors associated with engagement. PLoS One. 2020;15(5):e0232515.
Heyhoe J, Lawton R. Social emotion and patient safety: an important and understudied intersection. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2020:bmjqs-2019-010795.
Albutt A, O’Hara J, Conner M, Lawton R. Can Routinely Collected, Patient-Reported Wellness Predict National Early Warning Scores? A Multilevel Modeling Approach. Journal of patient safety. 2020 Feb 21; 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000672
Berzins, K., Baker, J., Louch, G., & Albutt A. (2020). A qualitative exploration of mental health service user and carer perspectives on safety issues in UK mental health services. Health Expectations. Advance Online Publication. doi.org/10.1111/hex.13025
This talk will critically explore the current trend towards more participatory methods for bringing about change within (and outside) healthcare organisations, and the resulting opportunities and challenges that arise for applied (and not so applied) qualitative health researchers. By revisiting the radical origins of such methods the talk will provide an opportunity to consider how they relate to more recent constructs such as Patient & Public Involvement. The potential for combining both imagination and rigour in qualitative research which might contribute to beneficial change in the organisation of healthcare service delivery will be discussed..
Biography: My research at King’s College London draws on the fields of organisational studies and organisational sociology. It incorporates the study of innovations in the organisation and delivery of health care services as well as quality improvement interventions. My current research interests include collaborating with service designers to identify and test any creative and participatory methods that might have value in addressing some of the challenges facing the NHS. Through a part-time Chair at Jönköping University, Sweden I am also collaborating on a long-term research programme which is seeking to explore, enhance and measure the value of co-production for improving the health and social care of citizens.
O’Hara JK, Baxter R, Hardicre N. ‘Handing over to the patient’: A FRAM analysis of transitional care combining multiple stakeholder perspectives. Applied ergonomics. 2020 2020/05/01/;85:103060
McHugh S, Lawton R, O’Hara J, Sheard L. Does team reflexivity impact teamwork and communication in interprofessional hospital based healthcare teams? A systematic review and narrative synthesis BMJ Quality & Safety. 2020, Online first
Elizabeth Marran J. Supporting staff who are second victims after adverse healthcare events. Nursing management (Harrow, London, England : 1994). 2019 Dec 2;26(6):36-43.