Ramsey, L., Lawton, R., Sheard, L., & O’Hara, J. (2022). Exploring the sociocultural contexts in which healthcare staff respond to and use online patient feedback in practice: In-depth case studies of three NHS Trusts. Digital health, 8. https://doi.org/10.1177/20552076221129085
From 2013 to present
Ramsey L., Sheard, L., & O’Hara, J. (2023). “Feedback is indeed a dainty dish to set before the Trust”: Comparing how online patient feedback is responded to and used across three hospital Trusts in England. Patient Experience Journal, 10(2), 49-58. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13607
Hampton S, Murray J, Lawton R, et al Understanding the challenges and successes of implementing ‘hybrid’ interventions in healthcare settings: findings from a process evaluation of a patient involvement trial. BMJ Quality & Safety Published Online First: 06 August 2024. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2024-017268
Hanbury A, Mafirakureva N, Chicken N, Bailey L. Evaluating change in a pressured healthcare system: A cross-sectional study of implementation outcomes using routine data indicators and proxies. Implementation Science Communications. 2023 Aug 16;4(1). doi:10.1186/s43058-023-00471-x
Incivility experiences of racially minoritised hospital staff, consequences for them and implications for patient care: An international scoping review. Sociology of Health & Illness. 2024 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.13760
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Wilson C, Janes G, Lawton, R, & Benn J. Feedback for Emergency Ambulance Staff: A National Review of Current Practice Informed by Realist Evaluation Methodology. In Healthcare 2023: Vol. 11, No. 16, p. 2229. MDPI.
Lea W, Lawton R, Vincent C, O’Hara J. Exploring the “Black Box” of Recommendation Generation in Local Health Care Incident Investigations: A Scoping Review. J Patient Saf. 2023 Dec 1;19(8):553-563. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000001164. Epub 2023 Sep 15. PMID: 37712844; PMCID: PMC10662609.
Ford DM, Budworth L, Lawton R, Teale EA, O’Connor DB. In-hospital stress and patient outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE. 2023 Mar 9;18(3). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0282789
Wilson CM, Janes G, Lawton R, Benn J. Types and effects of feedback for emergency ambulance staff: a systematic mixed studies review and meta-analysis 2023. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2022-015634.