The pandemic has triggered global tragedy, pain, fear, anxiety and darkness. Yet, at the darkest times there is an opportunity for the light of learning to stream in. In this presentation I will suggest that the three key areas of learning from this crisis for our health and care systems are compassionate leadership, team-working, and reflection. The seminar will address the question of how we can develop cultures of high quality, continually improving and compassionate care in the challenging circumstances we face in our health services and, at the same time, ensure the well-being and growth of those who provide that care?
Drawing on the evidence from our two reviews into doctors’ and nurses’ mental health and wellbeing across the UK, the seminar will provide practical guidance necessary to help us ensure that compassion, high quality and innovation are at the heart of health and care cultures.
The seminar will provide information not only the ‘what’ of the key elements of team and organisational elements for a positive culture but also the ‘how’. It will describe how we can help to create the conditions that ensure high-quality care cultures at national and local level. It will draw on the strategies being implemented across the four UK health and care systems to illustrate the key themes. Participants will have links to a wealth of open-access, evidence-based resources to enable them to support the transformation of health care teams and organisations.