Photo of Sne Zondo

Sne Zondo

Research Fellow




Sne is a Research Fellow in the NIHR Quality Safety and Outcomes Policy Research Unit (QSO PRU) with a background in Psychology and Public Health. She contributes to projects under the PRU’s Safety arm, which currently includes a formative evaluation of the implementation of Martha’s Rule across three acute trusts.

Sne completed her PhD in 2024 from the University of Strathclyde and her PhD looked at factors influencing mental health service engagement. This qualitative research specifically focused on the role of pre and post migratory factors in the perceptions and experiences of mental health amongst first generation African migrants in Scotland. Before joining YQSR, Sne worked in local authority Public Health in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment team for three years. Prior to her PhD Sne worked in patient safety research as part of a multinational lung cancer control project funded by the Bristol Myers-Squibb Foundation in four African countries.

Research Interests

Sne has a broad interest in multidisciplinary research that aims to reduce health inequalities especially in historically marginalised communities. These interests include inequalities in patient safety, migration and its impact on mental health, community involvement in health-related research and the social determinants of health.