Senior Research Fellow
Email: william.lea1@nhs.net
Twitter: @DrWilliamLea
Dr William Lea is an SAS doctor in acute medicine at York & Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and an honorary senior lecturer at the Hull York Medical School. William is completing a PhD titled “Producing effective and achievable safety strategies from adverse event investigations in healthcare”, at the University of Leeds, supervised by Professor Jane O’Hara (Cambridge), Professor Rebecca Lawton (Leeds) and Professor Charles Vincent(Oxford). Along side his PhD William has been involved in a number of research projects and funding applications to the BMA foundation, MPS Foundation, and NIHR.
Research interests
William has a broad range of research interests around patient safety and the healthcare workforce. These include patient safety and healthcare quality, economics of safety, incident investigations, triggers and impacts of stress on clinical performance, and doctors’ psychological preparation for practice.