Louch G, O’Hara J, Gardner P, O’Connor DB. The daily relationships between staffing, safety perceptions and personality in hospital nursing: A longitudinal on-line diary study. International journal of nursing studies. 2016 Jul;59:27-37.
Morris B, Lawton R, McEachan R, Hurling R, Conner M. Changing self-reported physical activity using different types of affectively and cognitively framed health messages, in a student population. Psychology, health & medicine. 2016;21(2):198-207.
O’Hara JK, Lawton RJ. At a crossroads? Key challenges and future opportunities for patient involvement in patient safety. BMJ quality & safety 2016;25(8):565-8. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2016-005476 [published Online First: 2016/06/24]
Clarke A, Adamson J, Watt I, Sheard L, Cairns P, Wright J. The impact of electronic records on patient safety. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2016 6/4;16(62).
Hernan AL, Giles SJ, O’Hara JK, Fuller J, Johnson JK, Dunbar JA. Developing a primary care patient measure of safety (PC PMOS): a modified Delphi process and face validity testing. BMJ quality & safety. 2016 Apr;25(4):273-80.
Baxter R, Taylor N, Kellar I, Lawton R. What methods are used to apply positive deviance within healthcare organisations? A systematic review. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2016;25(3):190-201.
Conner M, McEachan R, Lawton R, Gardner P. Basis of intentions as a moderator of the intention-health behavior relationship. Health Psychol. 2016 Mar;35(3):219-27.
Willis TA, Hartley S, Glidewell L, Farrin AJ, Lawton R, McEachan RRC, et al. Action to Support Practices Implement Research Evidence (ASPIRE): protocol for a cluster-randomised evaluation of adaptable implementation packages targeting ‘high impact’ clinical practice recommendations in general practice. Implementation Science. 2016;11(1):1-11.
O’Hara JK, Armitage G, Reynolds C, Coulson C, Thorp L, Din I, et al. How might health services capture patient-reported safety concerns in a hospital setting? An exploratory pilot study of three mechanisms. BMJ quality & safety. 2016 Feb 4.
Heyhoe J, Birks Y, Harrison R, O’Hara JK, Cracknell A, Lawton R. The role of emotion in patient safety: Are we brave enough to scratch beneath the surface? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2016 Feb;109(2):52-8.