Senior Research Data Analyst
ORCID: 0000-0002-2905-6011
Email: luke.budworth@bthft.nhs.uk
X: @LukeWBudworth
Dr Luke Budworth joined the YQSR in 2023 as a senior research data analyst within the Yorkshire and Humber National Institute for Health Research Patient Safety Research Collaboration Centre (PSRC).
Luke works across the PSRC, but mainly within the Rethinking Safety Intelligence for Improvement theme leading projects aiming to build tools and conduct analyses with large healthcare datasets to tackle key patient safety challenges.
By background he is a research psychologist and data analyst, having received an MSc and PhD in heath psychology (University of Leeds, 2015 & 2018) and MSc in health data analytics (University College London, 2022).
Luke’s PhD work assessed the prevalence, detectability, and impact of pre-operative recreational substance use on post-operative outcomes – and potential strategies to help patients mitigate harm.
Post-PhD he was a research fellow with the YQSR (2019-2022), leading a multi-hospital retrospective study assessing associations between emergency doctor decision-making, patient health outcomes, and healthcare resource use. He also provided statistical support for projects in the field of patient safety, including an MRC-funded project with clinical and commercial partners developing a device to prevent nasogastric tube-related ‘never events’.
In 2022 Luke joined the Institute of Rheumatic & Musculoskeletal Medicine at the University of Leeds, providing statistical support and analysis for several large research projects. Luke’s personal projects primarily focused on the analysis of machine-learning derived osteoarthritis biomarkers from imaging data, primarily involving hierarchal (multilevel) frequentist and Bayesian generalised (non-) linear modelling.
Research interests
Patient safety, health informatics, addiction & substance use.
Recent Publications
Is emergency doctors’ tolerance of clinical uncertainty on a novel measure associated with doctor well-being, healthcare resource use and patient outcomes?
Ismayl, G., Ogbechie, C., Goundry, S., Budworth, L., Ejiofor, I., Sheikh, H., McCormack, P., Tunstall, C., Philipson, M., & Cowling, P. (2024). Classification and measurement of displacement of isolated greater tuberosity fractures: Intra and interobserver reliability. Shoulder & Elbow. |
Vogt, KS., Johnson, J., Simms-Ellis, R., Coleman, R., Budworth, L., Harrison, R., Shearman, N., & Grange, A. (2024). Can the Reboot coaching programme support Critical Care Nurses in coping with stressful clinical events? A mixed-methods evaluation assessing resilience, burnout, depression and turnover intentions. BMC Health Serv Res. |
Johnson, J., Pointon, L., Talbot, R., Coleman, R., Budworth, L., Simms-Ellis, R., Vogt, K., Tsimpida, D., Biyani, C.S., Harrison, R. and Cheung, G., (2023). Reboot coaching programme: a mixed-methods evaluation assessing resilience, confidence, burnout and depression in medical students. Scottish Medical Journal, p.00369330231213981. |
Ford, D., Budworth, L., Lawton, R., Teale, EA., & O’Connor, DB. (2023). In-hospital stress and patient outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS One. |
Vogt, KS., Simms-Ellis, R., Grange, A., Griffiths, ME., Coleman, R., Harrison, R., Shearman, R., Marran, J., Budworth, L., & Johnson, J. (2023). Critical care nursing workforce in crisis: A discussion paper examining contributing factors, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and potential solutions. J. Clin. Nurs. |
Wilson, C., Budworth, L., Janes, G., Lawton, R., & Benn, J. (2022). PP35 Predictors and effects of prehospital feedback: Protocol for a mixed-methods diary study. Emerg Med. |
Vogt, KS., Grange, A., Johnson, J., Budworth, L., Coleman, R., & Simms-Ellis, R. (2022). Study protocol for the online adaptation and evaluation of the ‘Reboot’ (recovery-boosting) coaching programme, to prepare critical nurses for, and aid recovery after, stressful clinical events. Pilot Feasibility Stud. |
Smith, H., Budworth, L., Grindey, C., Hague, I., Hamer, N., Kislov, R., Van Der Graaf, P., & Langley, J. (2022). Co-production practice and future research priorities in United Kingdom-funded applied health research: A scoping review. Health Res. Policy Syst. |
Janes, G., Mills, T., Budworth, L., Johnson, J., & Lawton, R. (2021). The association between healthcare staff engagement and patient safety outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Patient Saf. |
Johnson, J., Simms-Ellis, R., Janes, G., Mills, T., Budworth, L., Atkinson, L. & Harrison, R. (2020). Can we prepare healthcare professionals for involvement in adverse events? Feasibility study of a resilience training intervention. BMC Health Serv Res. |
Budworth, L., Prestwich, A., Sykes-Muskett, B., Khatun, K., Ireland, J., Clancy, F., & Conner, M. (2019). A feasibility study to assess the individual and combined effects of financial incentives and monetary contingency contracts on physical activity. Psychol Sport Exerc. |
Budworth, L. (2019). Electronic cigarettes: Sensory cues in nicotine dependence. PsyPAG Quarterly. |
Budworth, L., Prestwich, A., Lawton, R., Kotzé, A., & Kellar, I. (2019). Preoperative interventions for alcohol and other recreational substance use: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Psychol. |
Taylor, J., & Budworth, L. (2018). Food safety culture: Patterns and trends from a quantitative analysis of a culture assessment program. Worldw Hosp Tour Themes. |
Funding |
Lea, W., Johnson, J., Simms-Ellis, R., Lawton, R., Howard, N., Budworth, L., & Harrison, R. (2021-2024). REBOOT: A Pilot Evaluation of a Supportive Intervention in Medical Students. BMA Scholarship Grant (£62938). |
Grange, A., Simms-Ellis, R., Johnson, J., Lawton, R., Marran, J., Budworth, L., & Harrison, R. (2021-2022). Online adaption and evaluation of the ‘RE-BOOT’ (REcovery- BOOsting Training) intervention, to prepare critical care nurses for, and aid recovery after, stressful clinical events. The Burdett Trust for Nursing (£82699). |