Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer across Bradford Institute for Health Research and the University of Leeds
Tel: 0113 3430510
Twitter: @DrJTJohnson
Judith Johnson is a Clinical Psychologist who is based at both the School of Psychology, University of Leeds, and the Bradford Institute for Health Research. She graduated from the University of Manchester with a BSc(Hons) in Psychology in 2007. She was awarded a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Manchester in 2010, and a ClinPsyD (Clinical Psychology Doctorate) from the University of Birmingham in 2013.
Research interests
Judith’s research aims to understand and support the development of wellbeing and resilience. She is particularly interested in investigating these topics in healthcare staff. Some of her recent work suggests that when healthcare staff wellbeing is low, and burnout is elevated, the quality and safety of patient care suffers. Her current research explores these issues in a range of healthcare staff groups and aims to develop interventions which can enhance resilience and reduce burnout. She is also currently researching the role of communication in healthcare settings in order to understand how healthcare staff can be better supported and trained in this aspect of their roles.
Recent Publications
Howarth SD, Johnson J, Millott HE, O’Hara JK. The early experiences of Physician Associate students in the UK: A regional cross-sectional study investigating factors associated with engagement. PLoS One. 2020;15(5):e0232515.
Johnson J, Cameron* L, Mitchinson L, Parmar M, Opio-te G, Louch G, et al. An investigation into the relationships between bullying, discrimination, burnout and patient safety in nurses and midwives: is burnout a mediator? Journal of Research in Nursing. 2019;24(8):604-19
Lawton R, Johnson J, Janes G, Foy R, Simms-Ellis R. Supporting doctors who make mistakes. BMJ. 2019 May 17;365:l2161.
Hall LH, Johnson J, Watt I, O’Connor DB. Association of GP wellbeing and burnout with patient safety in UK primary care: a cross-sectional survey. Br J Gen Pract 23 April 2019; bjgp19X702713. DOI:
Johnson J, Bu C, Panagioti M. Tackling burnout in UK trainee doctors is vital for a sustainable, safe, high quality NHS. BMJ. 2018 Sep 12;362.
Panagioti, M., Geraghty, K., Johnson, J., Zhou, A., Panagopoulou, E., Chew-Graham, C., Riley, R., Sanders, C., Peters, D. & Esmail, A. (2018). Effects of physician burnout on patient safety, professionalism and patient satisfaction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA: Internal Medicine. In press.
Johnson J, Panagioti M. Interventions to Improve the Breaking of Bad or Difficult News by Physicians, Medical Students, and Interns/Residents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2018 Sep;93(9):1400-12. Epub 2018/06/08.
Johnson, J., Johnson, O., Heyhoe, J., Fielder, C., & Dunning, A. (2018). Parent experiences and preferences when dysemlia is identified during the prenatal and perinatal periods: A qualitative study into family nursing care for rare diseases. Journal of Family Nursing, 24, 271-293. doi: 10.1177/1074840718772808
Hall, L., Johnson, J., Heyhoe, J., Watt, I., Anderson, K., & O’Connor, D. (2017). Strategies to improve General Practitioner wellbeing: Findings from a focus group study. Family Practice.
Johnson, J., Hall, L. H., Berzins, K., Baker, J., Melling, K. & Thompson, C. (2018). Mental healthcare staff well-being and burnout: A narrative review of trends, causes, implications, and recommendations for future interventions. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27, 20–32. doi:10.1111/inm.12416
Hall, L. H., Johnson, J., Heyhoe, J., Watt, I., Anderson, K., & O’Connor, D. B. (2017). Exploring the impact of primary care physician burnout and wellbeing on patient care: A focus group study. Journal of Patient Safety.
Panagioti, M., Geraghty, K., & Johnson, J. (2017). How to prevent burnout in cardiologists? A review of the current evidence, gaps and future directions. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine.
Gooding, P. A., Littlewood, D., Owen, R., Johnson, J., & Tarrier, N. (2017). Psychological resilience in people experiencing schizophrenia and suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Journal of Mental Health, 1-7.
Johnson, J., Louch, G., Dunning, A., Johnson, O., Grange, A., Reynolds, C., Hall, L., & O’Hara, J. (2017). Burnout mediates the association between symptoms of depression and patient safety perceptions: A cross-sectional study in hospital nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73, 1667-1680.
Johnson, J., Panagioti, M., Bass, J., Ramsey, L., & Harrison, R. (2017). Resilience to emotional distress in response to failure, error or mistakes: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 52, 19-42. (IF = 8.1, 3/122 clinical psychology journals)
Johnson, J., O’Connor, D. B., Jones, C., Jackson, C., Hughes, G. & Fergusson, E. (2016). Reappraisal Buffers the Association Between Stress and Negative Mood Measured Over 14 Days: Implications for Understanding Psychological Resilience. European Journal of Personality, 30, 608-617. 12. Hall, L. H., Johnson, J., Watt, I., Tsipa, A., & O’Connor, D. B. (2016). Healthcare staff wellbeing, burnout, and patient safety: A systematic review. PloS One, 11(7), e0159015.
Johnson, J., Adams-Spink, G., Arndt, T., Wijeratne, D., Heyhoe, J., Taylor, P. J. (2016). Providing family-centred care for rare diseases in maternity services: Parent satisfaction and preferences when dysmelia is identified. Women and Birth, 29, e99-e104.
Johnson J, Wood AM. Integrating Positive and Clinical Psychology: Viewing Human Functioning as Continua from Positive to Negative Can Benefit Clinical Assessment, Interventions and Understandings of Resilience. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2016
Johnson J. Resilience: the Bi-dimensional Framework. In: Wood AM, Johnson J, editors. Positive Clinical Psychology. Chichester: Wiley; 2016.
Johnson, J., Gooding, P. A., Wood, A. M., Fair, K. L., and Tarrier, N. (2013). A therapeutic tool for boosting mood: The broad-minded affective coping procedure (BMAC). Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37, 61-70
Johnson, J., Gooding, P., Wood, A., Taylor, P., & Tarrier, N. (2011). Trait reappraisal amplifies subjective defeat, sadness and negative affect in response to failure versus success in non-clinical and psychosis populations. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 922-934. 16. Johnson, J., & Wood A. M. (2015). Integrating Positive and Clinical Psychology: Viewing Human Functioning as Continua from Positive to Negative Can Benefit Clinical Assessment, Interventions and Understandings of Resilience. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2015
Johnson, J., Wood, A., Gooding, P., Taylor, P., & Tarrier, N. (2011). Resilience to suicidality: The buffering hypothesis. Clinical Psychology Review, 31, 563-591. (IF = 8.1, 3/122 clinical psychology journals)
Johnson, J., Gooding., P. Wood., A., Taylor, P., Pratt, D., & Tarrier, N. (2010). Resilience to suicidal ideation in psychosis: Positive self-appraisals buffer the impact of hopelessness. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 883-889.
Johnson, J., Gooding, P., Wood, A. & Tarrier, N. (2010). Resilience as positive coping appraisals: Testing the schematic appraisals model of suicide (SAMS).Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 179-186.
Johnson, J., Gooding, P. & Tarrier, N. (2008). Suicide risk in schizophrenia: Explanatory models and clinical implications, The Schematic Appraisal Model of Suicide (SAMS). Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 81, 55–77
Johnson, J., Gooding, P. & Tarrier, N. (2008). An investigation of aspects of the Cry of Pain model of suicide risk: The role of defeat in impairing memory. Behavioural Research and Therapy, 46, 968-975.
Johnson, J., Jones, C., Lin, A., Wood, S., Heinze, K., & Jackson, C. (2014). Shame amplifies the association between stressful life events and paranoia amongst young adults using mental health services: Implications for understanding risk and psychological resilience. Psychiatry research, 220, 217-225
Gooding, P. Johnson, J., & Tarrier, N. (2012). Psychological resilience in young and older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27, 262-270
Pratt. D., Gooding, P., Johnson, J., Taylor, P. J. & Tarrier, N. (2010). Suicide schemas in non-affective psychosis: An empirical investigation. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 1211-1220
Taylor, P. J., Awenat, Y., Gooding, P. A., Johnson, J., Pratt, D., Wood, A. M. & Tarrier, N. (2010). The subjective experience of participation in schizophrenia research: A practical and ethical issue. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198, 343-348
Taylor, P. J., Gooding, P. A., Wood, A. M., Johnson, J., Pratt, D., & Tarrier, N. (2010). Defeat and entrapment in schizophrenia: The relationship with suicidal ideation and positive psychotic symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 178, 244-248
Taylor, P. J., Gooding, P. A., Wood, A. M., Johnson, J., & Tarrier, N. (2011). Prospective predictors of suicidality: Defeat and entrapment lead to changes in suicidal ideation over time. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 41, 297-306
Taylor, P. J., Wood, A. M., Gooding, P. A., Johnson, J., & Tarrier, N. (2009). Are defeat and entrapment best defined as a single construct? Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 795-797
Tarrier, N., Gooding, P., Gregg, L., Johnson, J. & Drake, R. (2007). Suicide schema in schizophrenia: The effect of emotional reactivity, negative symptoms and schema elaboration. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45, 2090-2097.