Programme Manager for the Yorkshire and Humber PSRC and SafetyNet
ORCID: 0000-00003-0563-0020
X: @JenniMurray10
Jenni joined the YQSR Group as a Programme Manager in December 2016 to work on the NIHR funded programme of work ‘Partners At Care Transitions (PACT): Improving Patient Experience and Safety at Transitions of Care’. Currently, Jenni is Programme Manager for the Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Research Collaboration Centre.
Jenni has an applied science degree and an MSc in Biotechnology. Her PhD obtained from the University of Leeds in 2008 related to longer-term care following a stroke. Jenni brings with her a long history of research experience across a breath of applied health and social care areas including antenatal and neonatal screening, stroke and cardiovascular care and offender health within third sector green spaces and has published widely in these areas.
Research interests
She has a particular interest in the development and process evaluations of complex interventions and is a fan of the use of green spaces (such as social farms) as interventions to improve emotional and social wellbeing. Jenni enjoys the variety and the challenges that project management brings but also the continued opportunities to contribute intellectually to health service research and development.
Recent Publications
Lawton R, Murray J, Baxter R, Richardson G, Cockayne S, Baird K, Mandefield L, Brealey S, O’Hara J, Foy R, Sheard L, Cracknell A, Breckin E, Hewitt C; PACT research team. Evaluating an intervention to improve the safety and experience of transitions from hospital to home for older people (Your Care Needs You): a protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial and process evaluation. Trials. 2023 Oct 14;24(1):671. doi: 10.1186/s13063-023-07716-z
Murray, J Baxter R, Lawton R, Hardicre N, Shannon R, Langley J, Partridge R, Moore S, O’Hara J. Unpacking the Cinderella black box of complex intervention development through the Partners at Care Transitions (PACT) programme of research. Health Expect. 2023; 26: 1478-1490.
Shannon R, Baxter R, Hardicre N, Mills T, Murray J, Lawton R, O’Hara JK. A qualitative formative evaluation of a patient facing intervention to improve care transitions for older people moving from hospital to home. Health Expectations, 2022, Health Expect. 2022; 1- 11. doi:10.1111/hex.13560Baxter, R., Murray, J., Cockayne, S. et al. Improving the safety and experience of transitions from hospital to home: a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial of the ‘Your Care Needs You’ intervention versus usual care. Pilot Feasibility Stud 8, 222 (2022). doi: 10.1186/s40814-022-01180-3
Murray J, Hardicre N, Birks Y, O’Hara J, Lawton R. How older people enact care involvement during transition from hospital to home: A systematic review and model. Health Expect. 2019 Oct;22(5):883-93
Oikonomou E, Chatburn E, Higham H, Murray J, Lawton R, Vincent C. Developing a measure to assess the quality of care transitions for older people. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):505.
Jenni Murray, Joyce F. Coker, Helen Elsey. Care farming: Rehabilitation or punishment? A qualitative exploration of the use of care farming within community orders, Health & Place, Volume 58, 2019, 102156, ISSN 1353-8292,
Hardicre NK, Birks Y, Murray J, et al. Partners at Care Transitions (PACT): Exploring older peoples’ experiences of transitioning from hospital to home in the UK: protocol for an observation and interview study of older people and their families to understand patient experience and involvement in care at transitions. BMJ Open. 2017;7(11).
Murray J, Wickramasekera N, Elings M, Bragg R, Brennan C, Richardson Z, Wright J, Garcia Llorente M, Cade J, Shickle D, Tubeuf S, Elsey H. The impact of care farms on quality of life in different population groups: A systematic review. The Campbelll Collaboration, 2016.
Elsey H, Murray J, Bragg R. Green fingers and clear minds: prescribing ‘care farming’ for mental illness. Brit J Gen Pract. 2016;66(643):99-100. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp16X683749
Murray J, Elsey H, Gold R. Care farming and probation in the UK (Chp 11). In: Green Exercise: Linking nature, health and wellbeing. Eds: Jo Barton, Rachel Bragg, Carly Wood and Jules Pretty. Routledge, 2016.
Hill K, Walwyn R, Camidge D, Murray J, Meads D, Reynolds G, Farrin A, House A. A Randomized Feasibility Trial of a New Lifestyle Referral Assessment Versus Usual Assessment in an Acute Cardiology Setting. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. September 29, 2015. doi: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000294.
Wickramasekera N, Wright J, Elsey H, Murray J, Tubeuf S. Cost of Crime: A systematic review. Journal of Criminal Justice, 2015; 43(3): 218-228.
Forster A, Young J, Chapman K, Nixon J, Patel A, Holloway I, Mellish K, Anwar S, Breen R, Knapp M, et al. Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of a System of Longer-Term Stroke Care. Stroke 2015 Aug;46(8):2212-9. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.008585.
Forster A, Mellish K, Farrin A, Bhakta B, House A, Hewison J, Murray J, Patel A, Knapp M, Breen R, Chapman K, Holloway I, Hawkins R, Shannon R, Nixon J. Development and evaluation of tools and an intervention to improve patient- and carer-centred outcomes in Longer-Term Stroke care and exploration of adjustment post stroke: the LoTS care research programme. Programme Grants Appl Res 2014; 2(6).
Elsey H, Bragg R, Brennan C, Murray J, Elings M, Richardson Z, Cade J, Hucklesbury A, Wickramasekera N. The impact of care farms on quality of life among different populations groups: protocol for a systematic review. The Campbell Collaboration, 2014
Elsey, H., Bragg, R., Elings, M., Cade, J. E., Brennan, C., Farragher, T., Tubeuf, S., Gold, R., Shickle, D., Wickramasekera, N., Richardson, Z. & Murray, J. Understanding the impacts of care farms on health and well-being of disadvantaged populations: a protocol of the Evaluating Community Orders (ECO) pilot study. BMJ Open, 2014, 4. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006536
Honey S, Hill K, Murray J, Craigs C, House A. Patients’ responses to the communication of vascular risk in primary care: a qualitative study. Primary Health Care Research & Development 2014; 1-10. DOI:10.1017/S1463423613000509.
Hill KM, Walwyn REA, Camidge DC, Meads DM, Murray JY, Reynolds G, Farrin AJ, House AO.. A randomised feasibility RCT of lifestyle referral assessment in an acute cardiology setting: Protocol for the LYB-CLAHRC-IMPROVE study. Trials 2013;14:212.
LoTS care LUNS study team. Validation of the Longer-term Unmet Needs after Stroke (LUNS) monitoring tool: a multicentre study. Clin Rehabil 2013 27: 1020-1028. DOI: 10.1177/0269215513487082
Murray J, Fenton G, Honey S, Bara AC, Hill K, House A. Qualitative synthesis of patient reported factors influencing maintenance of lifestyle behaviour change in patients at high risk of cardiovascular events. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2013, 13:48 doi:10.1186/1471-2261-13-48
Honey S, Bryant L, Murray J, Hill K, House, A. Differences in the perceived role of the healthcare provider in delivering Vascular Health Checks: a Q methodology study. BMC Family Practice 2013, 14:172 doi:10.1186/1471-2296-14-172.
Murray J. The challenges of changing lifestyle behaviours. Primary Care Cardiovascular Journal, 2013. doi:10.3132/pccj.2013.019
Forster A, Young J, Nixon J, Chapman K, Murray J, Patel A, Knapp M, Anwar S, Breen R, Mellish K, Holloway I, Farrin A. Protocol of a cluster randomized trial evaluation of a patient and carer-centered system of longer-term stroke care (LoTS care). Int J Stroke 19 Feb 2013. DOI: 10.1111/ijs.12038
Murray J, Craigs C, Hill K, Honey S, House A. A systematic review of patient reported factors associated with uptake and completion of cardiovascular lifestyle behaviour change. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012;12:120.
Campbell Burton CA, Murray J, Holmes J, Astin F, Greenwood D, Knapp P. Frequency of Anxiety After Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. International Journal of Stroke, 2012 Sep 27. doi: 10.1111/j.1747-4949.2012.00906.x.
Campbell Burton CA, Holmes J, Murray J, Gillespie D, Lightbody CE, Watkins CL, Knapp P. Interventions for treating anxiety after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010 , Issue 12 . Art. No.: CD008860. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008860.
Murray J, Hill K, Honey S, Craigs C, House A. Qualitative synthesis: factors affecting lifestyle change to reduce cardiovascular risk’. Br J Gen Pract 2012; DOI:10.3399/bjgp12X649089 (abridged text, in print at Br J Gen Pract 2012; 61: 296-297).