Dr Lauren Ramsey

Senior Research Fellow

Email: L.ramsey@leeds.ac.uk
Twitter: @laurenpramsey


Dr Lauren Ramsey is a Senior Research Fellow working within the ‘safer systems, cultures and practices’ theme of the Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Research Collaboration (YH PSRC). Lauren has a background in applied health services research, and is a keen qualitative methodologist, with a particular interest in how qualitative approaches can answer key research questions to improve the quality and safety of care.

Lauren has worked with the Yorkshire Quality and Safety Research (YQSR) group since 2013, when she completed a year in industrial placement. Since then, she graduated from the University of Leeds with a degree in Psychology, and completed a PhD in 2020 with the University of Leeds and the Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Translational Research Centre (YH PSTRC), supervised by Professor Jane O’Hara, Professor Rebecca Lawton and Associate Professor Laura Sheard. Lauren’s PhD used an ethnographic approach to explore how healthcare staff respond to and use online patient feedback to improve the quality and safety of care.

Since completing her PhD, Lauren has worked across various research projects which centre of the involvement of patients in patient safety. This includes co-designing a real-time safety feedback tool for mental health inpatients, qualitatively exploring how people co-created safety during Covid-19, identifying safety inequities experienced by people with learning disabilities, and supporting the delivery of a  randomised controlled trial designed to help older adults transition from hospital to home. Most recently, Lauren worked as a Senior Research Fellow on the Learn Together programme, aiming to more meaningfully involve patients and families following patient safety incidents in healthcare.

 Research interests

Lauren has a broad range of research interests that centre on improving the quality and safety of care in the NHS. These interests include safety culture, patient involvement in patient safety, digital approaches to patient safety, and safety inequities. More specifically, Lauren is a keen qualitative methodologist, with a particular interest in how qualitative methodological approaches can help to answer key research questions in these areas. 





Recent Publications

Ramsey, L., Hughes, J., Hazeldine, D., Seddon, S., Gould, M., Wailling, J., … & O’Hara, J. K. (2024). Humanising processes after harm part 2: compounded harm experienced by patients and their families after safety incidents. Frontiers in Health Services, 4, 1473296.

Link: Frontiers | Humanizing processes after harm part 1: patient safety incident investigations, litigation and the experiences of those affected

Ramsey, L., Hughes, J., Hazeldine, D., Seddon, S., Gould, M., Wailling, J., … & O’Hara, J. K. (2024). Humanising processes after harm part 2: compounded harm experienced by patients and their families after safety incidents. Frontiers in Health Services, 4, 1473296.

Link: Frontiers | Humanising processes after harm part 2: compounded harm experienced by patients and their families after safety incidents

Ramsey, L., Pye, L., & O’Hara, J. (2024) Patient and Family Engagement Following Patient Safety Incidents in Cox., C., Hughes., & Nicholls, J. Patient Safety – Emerging Applications of Safety Science. Class Professionals Publishing, pages 41-64.

Link: Patient Safety: Emerging Applications of Safety Science: Amazon.co.uk: Cox, Claire, Hughes, Helen, Nicholls, Jordan: 9781801610834: Books

Ramsey L., Sheard, L., & O’Hara, J. (2023). “Feedback is indeed a dainty dish to set before the Trust”: Comparing how online patient feedback is responded to and used across three hospital Trusts in England. Patient Experience Journal, 10(2), 49-58.

Link: “Comparing how online patient feedback is responded to and used across three hospital Trusts” by Lauren P. Ramsey Dr, Laura Sheard Dr et al. (pxjournal.org)

Canvin, K., Brierley-Jones, L., Ramsey, L., Baker, J., & Berzins, K. (2023). Safety and contagion in acute psychiatric wards: How the milieu is implicated in the occurrence of clustered safety incidents. Theory and Psychology.

Link: https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/206922/1/TAP-21-0178.R2_Proof_hi%20%281%29.pdf

Ramsey, L., O’Hara, J., Lawton, R., & Sheard, L. (2023). A glimpse behind the organisational curtain: A dramaturgical analysis exploring the ways healthcare staff engage with online patient feedback ‘front’and ‘backstage’at three hospital Trusts in England. Sociology of Health & Illness.

Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/1467-9566.13607

Albutt, A., Ramsey, L., Fylan, B., Grindey, C., Hague, I., & O’Hara, J. K. (2023). Patient and public cocreation of healthcare safety and healthcare system resilience: The case of COVID19. Health Expectations.

Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1111/hex.13659?download=true

Ramsey, L., Lawton, R., Sheard, L., & O’Hara, J. (2022). Exploring the sociocultural contexts in which healthcare staff respond to and use online patient feedback in practice: In-depth case studies of three NHS Trusts. Digital health, 8.

Link: Exploring the sociocultural contexts in which healthcare staff respond to and use online patient feedback in practice: In-depth case studies of three NHS Trusts – Lauren Ramsey, Rebecca Lawton, Laura Sheard, Jane O’Hara, 2022 (sagepub.com)

Ramsey, L., Albutt, A., Perfetto, K., Quinton, N., Baker, J., Louch, G., & O’Hara, J. (2022). Systemic safety inequities for people with learning disabilities: a qualitative integrative analysis of the experiences of English health and social care

Link: https://equityhealthj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12939-021-01612-1

Brierley-Jones, L., Ramsey, L., Canvin, K., Kendal, S., & Baker, J. (2022). To what extent are patients involved in researching safety in acute mental healthcare?. Research Involvement and Engagement8(1), 1-18.

Link: https://researchinvolvement.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40900-022-00337-x

Mattila, E., Hansen, S., Bundgaard, L., Ramsey, L., Dunning, A., Silva, M. N., … & Lähteenmäki, L. (2022). Users’ Experiences With the NoHoW Web-Based Toolkit With Weight and Activity Tracking in Weight Loss Maintenance: Long-term Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of medical Internet research24(1), e29302.

Link: https://www.jmir.org/2022/1/e29302/

Namisango, E., Ramsey, L., Dandadzi, A., Okunade, K., Ebenso, B., & Allsop, M. J. (2021). Data and information needs of policymakers for palliative cancer care: a multi-country qualitative study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(1), 1-10.


Louch, G., Albutt, A., Harlow-Trigg, J., Moore, S., Smyth, K., Ramsey, L., & O’Hara, J. K. (2021). Exploring patient safety outcomes for people with learning disabilities in acute hospital settings: a scoping review. BMJ open11(5), e047102.

Link: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/11/5/e047102.abstract

Stubbs, R. J., Duarte, C., Palmeira, A. L., Sniehotta, F. F., Horgan, G., Larsen, S. C., Ramsey., L… & Heitmann, B. L. (2021). Evidence-based digital tools for weight loss maintenance: the NoHoW project. Obesity Facts14(3), 320-333.

Link: https://karger.com/ofa/article/14/3/320/239672/Evidence-Based-Digital-Tools-for-Weight-Loss

Ramsey L, Sheard L, Lawton R, O Hara J. (2019) How do healthcare staff respond to patient experience feedback online? A typology of responses published on Care Opinion. Patient Experience Journal, 6(2):42-50.

Link: https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/150991/1/How%20do%20healthcare%20staff%20respond%20to%20patient%20experience%20feedback%20online_.pdf

Scott, S. E., Duarte, C., Encantado, J., Evans, E. H., Harjumaa, M., Heitmann, B. L., Ramsey, L. & Stubbs, R. J. (2019). The NoHoW protocol: a multicentre 2× 2 factorial randomised controlled trial investigating an evidence-based digital toolkit for weight loss maintenance in European adults. BMJ open, 9(9), e029425.

Link: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/9/9/e029425.abstract

Johnson, J., Panagioti, M., Bass, J., Ramsey, L., & Harrison, R. (2016). Resilience to emotional distress in response to failure, error or mistakes: A systematic review. Clinical psychology review.

Link: https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/108599/3/Resilience%20to%20emotional%20distress.pdf

Recent funding

Lauren was awarded NIHR SPARC funding to collaborate with the South London CLAHRC and Kings College London during a placement to share methodological and research specific expertise, working with Professor Annette Boaz, Professor Glenn Robert, Dr Sara Donetto, and colleagues.